Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Westside Subway Extension

Mayor Villaraigosa says he has not made a final subway decision until he has an opportunity to do a full analysis; ie enviornmental documents and recommendations. As you may know there is a proposed subway extension under BH High School. Lets stay tuned and I will update you as soon as there is more information.

BH High School - Tired of our kids not eatting at at school??

Beverly Hills Unified School voted to allow Chartwell School Dining Services to provide a food services program for the BHUSD.

The BHUSD food program budget for year one will include $650,000 in labor costs, $10,000 for the Lunchbox Software System and $45,000 for Vendsight vending machines.

Prices of meals will be no less that current prices in district. Set up to start in Fall.

Very excited. Here's to a healthy start!