It's not all snooty-snoots resisting change in Beverly Hills; city officials are learning to embrace cycling, according to the Beverly Hills Patch. The 90210 has seen many biking-related developments lately, from the city-sponsored Gran Fondo cycling tournament last month to a new biking committee tasked with shifting more trips from four wheels to two. The committee, under the aegis of the Traffic and Parking Commission, held its first community meeting last month (support was voiced for additional bike racks and "sharrow" markings on streets) and is working on updating the city's 34 year old biking plan. Beverly Hills's Deputy Director of Transportation Aaron Kunz has been attending meetings with other officials around the county so the bike plans for BH are integrated with nearby cities like LA and West Hollywood. Kunz is also working with both the Beverly Hills Unified School District--to get more bike infrastructure at city schools--and the city library, which has already agreed to add 12 bike racks serving two bikes each, likely before the fall. Pictured: Kyle Richards of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills training on television with Olympic medalist Mari Holden
· Shifting Gears to Make BH More Bike-Friendly
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