RISMEDIA, May 17, 2011—Mobile technology is changing the way the world operates, largely by providing smartphone users the opportunity to visit a website directly from their fingertips. It is no secret that while consumers are getting much more demanding of the offerings websites provide on their mobile devices, REALTORS® have been responsive, and answered the need. The services that are currently available to real estate firms for their marketing can include text message lead generation, QR codes, apps and most importantly mobile websites for listings on consumer’s mobile devices. Being easily accessible from an iPhone, Blackberry, Andriod or other smartphone is key in this fast paced industry.
For that reason, forward-thinking brokerages, like the John Aaroe Group have placed mobile technology in the forefront of their marketing techniques. This has proved to not only enhance the experience of the buyer and seller but also allows the agent the benefits of being the most relevant and technologically advanced in their market place.
This has also resulted in agent productivity and loyalty from the forward-thinking brokers prospective. “We are a strong locally owned company vs. the major national companies—our agents are able to leverage this mobile technology, property text numbers and QR codes ahead of the market. It definitely has helped set us apart in the markets that we serve in Los Angeles and the Beverly Hills Community.
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